



Risks are everywhere, but risk management is not. We provide the integrated view that your business needs to move forward confident, protected and resilient. 

Our Core Pillars

You took the leap. You started your business. Now you have a great product or service you are proud of and customers want. Now it’s time to grow and scale. New decisions, new challenges and new risks.

Risks are ever changing especially as you build your business, whether you’re looking to increase revenue, expand into new markets, build out your team, obtain funding, or transform your systems. There’s fear, uncertainty, and unknown. Am I making the right decisions? Can I do this in a better way? Is there something I’m not seeing? 

With Portecua Consulting, you’ll gain clarity on which risks you’re facing and how you can manage them to build your business confidently and sustainably. You’ll feel empowered to take control of your risks, one risk-informed decision at a time. 

Hi, hola, olá, I'm Rosalie!


Only 50% of businesses make it to their 5th birthday and only 35% make it to their 10th birthday (and women and people of color represent 70% of the population starting businesses)

Only 2% of businesses founded by women make over 1M in revenue (even less for women of color)

Only 2% of VC funding goes to businesses founded by women and people of color 

Stats we want to change

Expel fear.

Propel peace of mind.